Jason and I went to Yellowstone National Park on our vacation. It's so pretty there. Here's a few of our 1200 photos for you to enjoy.
Yellowstone is filled with unique natural features...
This was one of the falls along the river in the park.

This was at some little lily pond in Yellowstone.

Here's a close-up shot of one of the lily blossoms.

This is me in front of a fall along the river.

This is the Natural Bridge.

If you look closely you can see the sleeping giant. We took a boat tour on Yellowstone Lake. It was pretty cool to hear all the stories the guide told us about the park and the people that ran things there long ago.

These geysers are pretty cool. They're all over and bubbling. They're pretty cool.

Old Faithful was about 10 minutes later than it was predicted. Does that have an impact on its faithfulness?

This is the Petrified Tree in Yellowstone.
There were a ton of wildflowers...
Don't these look like teenie little bluish purple trumpets?

We saw all sorts of creatures while in the park. Here's a taste of our sightings...
This was in the Bald Eagle Management Area, but I'm not sure it's a bald eagle. This was taken from the car and we weren't allowed to stop on the road, so I'm not sure. Sorry the picture is a little fuzzy.

This was the first bear we saw this day. She caused a big traffic jam on the mountain roads because everybody stopped to see her.

We saw 4 bears this day. Bears 2,3, & 4 were a mama bear and 2 babies. This is the mama and one baby.

Here are the two babies. Aren't they adorable?

These two little squirrely things were squeeking and barking at each other. It was pretty cute.

This guy didn't want to get in the river to cross.

Neither did his friends.

This buffalo swam across this river. Neat, eh?

You know, I've been about4 feet away from one of these guys.

I'm pretty positive this is an Osprey. Neat, eh?

I'm 100% sure this is a Jason.

I think this is a black tail deer.

These little guys are all over.

I'm pretty sure this little fellow is a yellow-bellied marmot. Cute how he posed for me isn't it?

These pelicans fly up from Mexico. This pelican had somewhere around 12 babies with it. Cute aren't they?
And, I found a quilt pattern...
I found this potential quilt pattern on the bathroom floor in the Old Faithful Lodge.
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