A honey bun sounds pretty tasty! What's dictionary.com say a honey bun is?
honey bunThey are close to the quiltie term on the sweet spiral-shaped bun, but we hope they don't come with cinnamon, raisins, nuts, honey, butter, or brown sugar. Think of what that would do to scissors and sewing machines. Yuck!
- Also called sticky bun. a sweet spiral-shaped bun, usually with cinnamon, raisins, and nuts, coated with honey or butter and brown sugar.
- Also, hon·ey·bun . Informal . honey ( def. 6, 7 ) .
1895–1900, Americanism
Honey buns are another option for buying an entire fabric line. It's very similar to the jelly roll we talked about a few weeks ago. In fact, it's just a narrower version of the jelly roll. The honey bun is 1.5" strips.
Want to see some honey bun goodness?
Spring Fever Honey Bun - Me & My Sister for Moda Fabrics
The Moda Bake Shop also has some free ideas on how to use these cute little things.
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