The last several Jargon of the Week(s) have been about fabric package options. This week we're going to keep the ball rolling with a little bit about turnovers. says a turnover is:
turn·o·ver [turn-oh-ver]Nope! 15 guesses and they didn't even come close!
- an act or result of turning over; upset.
- change or movement of people, as tenants or customers, in, out, or through a place: The restaurant did a lively business and had a rapid turnover.
- the aggregate of worker replacements in a given period in a given business or industry.
- the ratio of the labor turnover to the average number of employees in a given period.
- the total amount of business done in a given time.
- the rate at which items are sold, esp. with reference to the depletion of stock and replacement of inventory: Things are slow now, but they expect an increased turnover next month.
- the number of times that capital is invested and reinvested in a line of merchandise during a specified period of time.
- the turning over of the capital or stock of goods involved in a particular transaction or course of business.
- the rate of processing or the amount of material that has undergone a particular process in a given period of time, as in manufacturing.
- a change from one position, opinion, etc., to another, often to one that is opposed to that previously held.
- a reorganization of a political organization, business, etc., esp. one involving a change or shift of personnel.
- a baked or deep-fried pastry with a sweet or savory filling in which half the dough is turned over the filling and the edges sealed to form a semicircle or triangle.
- Basketball, Football . the loss of possession of the ball to the opponents, through misplays or infractions of the rules.
14. that is or may be turned over.
15. having a part that turns over, as a collar.
1605–15; n. use of v. phrase turn over
A quilting turnover is another package of fabric. Moda fabrics packages at least one 6" half-square triangle of each fabric in a selected line.
I think they look like a slice of pie. What do you think?
Check out the Moda Bake Shop for free patterns using these yummy little things.
Oddly, one definition is missing. In lakes, turnover happens in spring and fall when the temperature layers (warmer and colder) mix.
Interesting! Thanks for sharing!
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