Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Jason came across this awesome website.  It can be found at

They have a killer blog where they talk about all sorts of things crafty business related.  Here's a few great posts about things that have been on my mind lately and a few I haven't even considered:
They have a book club.  How cool is that?  Here's the upcoming schedule:
They have a few ebooks available for purchase.

CraftMBA also has a recommended reading section on their site. 

They're about to start up some online workshops to teach about crafty business things.  The schedule for workshops coming up soon is:
  • Business 101: May 12th, 7-9pm
  • Marketing Kick Start: May 19th, 1-3pm
  • Pricing for Profit: May 20th, 7-9pm
The classes are $40 each and open to 20 participants.  Are you interested in taking one of these?  Head over to the workshops page and click on the register now button near your desired workshop.

If you have yet to discover this awesome resource, I highly recommend it.  They have all sorts of different approaches to help you, the crafty business person.  I'm sure you can find at least one approach that suits your needs. 

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